Science-fiction has always interested me, and I have written science-fiction stories since my teenage years. Recently I have taken to writing a type of science-fiction that is based on a more realistic view of the future, rather than the usual, more fantastic novels. In this blog you can follow the progress of my writing, as well as see parts of my previous work, which is science-fiction as well as other fiction. Enjoy...
Sunday, 7 October 2012
A sample from my German Teddy story...
Sein Teddybär, Teddy, hatte dunkelbraune Knopfaugen und einen weichen, braunen Pelz. Er war Peter am allerliebsten und durfte als einziger in Peters Bett schlafen. Teddy war sehr glücklich, daß Peter ihn jeden Abend mit ins Bett nahm, und Peter fühlte sich immer wohlbehütet, wenn Teddy dabei war.
Eines Tages, an einem sonnigen Morgen, wachte Teddy aus einem schrecklichen Traum auf. Mit schläfrigen Augen schaute er sich um. Dort lag Peter, mit geschlossenen Augen träumte er sanft. Teddy rieb sich langsam die Augen und richtete sich auf. Das kleine Zimmer, in dem Peter und Teddy regelmäßig spielten, war in ein sanftes gelb getaucht. Die Sonne schien freudig durchs Fenster, und Teddy sah eifrige Vögel von links nach rechts und rechts nach links fliegen.
Es war ein schöner Tag, doch Teddy konnte diesen schrecklichen Traum nicht vergessen. In seinem Traum wurde Teddy in einen dunklen Karton gepackt, wo er fortan Peter nie wieder sah. Teddy erinnerte sich, wie Peters Mutter in dem Traum sagte: "Peter, du bist jetzt alt genug. Du brauchst deinen Teddy nicht mehr." Und Peter meinte: "Ja, Mutter, du hast recht. Wir sollten Teddy weggeben, damit andere Kinder mit ihm spielen können." Teddy war darüber sehr erbost, doch soviel er sich auch wehrte, keiner schien ihn zu hören oder zu sehen, und er endete in einem dunklen Karton. "So ein doofer Traum", seufzte Teddy. "Peter würde so etwas bestimmt nie machen. Er hat mich einfach viel zu lieb." Teddy schaute zu Peter, der immernoch in einen tiefen Traum versunken war. "Ach, Peter, du bist mein bester Freund."
Sunday, 23 September 2012
Download my German children's story now from Lulu
I have just e-published my German children's story "Ein Teddybär auf Wanderschaft" on at only £0.99. I hope you like it...
Tuesday, 18 September 2012
Another silly animal antic...
Here is another instalment from my silly animal stories. I hope you like it. Please let me know what you think.
Tom the Timid Tiger
Tom lived in the jungles of India. Every morning he went hunting. He was very good at stalking and never had any problems getting close to his prey. However, he was often too afraid to catch large animals. They simply scared him. He usually ended up with a bird or small mammal, which didn't really fill him up, so he had to go hunting several times a day, and by the end of the day he was really tired.
The other tigers in the jungle were a lot braver and they called Tom the Timid Tiger. Tom was very embarrassed by that and knew he had to change something if he didn't want to go to bed every night very tired and still half hungry.
One day Tom woke up with confidence. He decided that it was time he would no longer be shy and timid. From now on hee would be brave and bold. Today he would hunt the largest gaur he could find. Tonight he would go to bed with a full stomach and a chest full of pride. It was going to be the start of a new Tom. From today onwards he would be known as Tom the Tenacious Tiger.
So Tom got up, cleaned himself and made for a clearing where he knew would be a great many antilopes. There it would be easy to find a really big specimen and hunt her. Tom felt really excited and much braver than before. He raised his head high as he approached the clearing. As he expected, in the clearing there were great number of animals and in particular a nice group of large gaur. He scanned the animals and found a particularly large one that he decided to hunt.
He slowly walked along the perimeter of the clearing to find a good place for an ambush. The animals hadn't noticed him. He carefully placed one paw in front of the other to avoid making a noise, and the while he kept his eyes on the group of animals drinking from the water or cleaning themselves. He had picked out those that were on sentry duty and made sure he was downwind from them. Everything was going to plan.
Tom was ready for the attack. He crouched down and took a few moments to look around, listen for any strange noises and sniff the air for any unusual scents. It seemed the coast was still clear. The sentry animals looked relaxed and the whole group of gaur was calm and composed. It would be the perfect hunt.
Tom had to make his attack. The moment was perfect and the longer he waited, the more the risk of being discovered increased. However, Tom suddenly felt a small nagging feeling. His confidence seemed to slowly seep away. He thought about those beautiful animals in front of him. How strong they were and how fast they could run. He worried that he might not be able to catch them after all, or that he might get hurt during the hunt. He thought that other tigers might be watching him and tease him even more if he failed today. It was becoming too much, and instead of crouching down ready to jump, Tom was now actually just lying down, like a cat ready for a cuddle.
Suddenly Tom heard a roar from the distance. It was from another tiger who was clearly approaching the clearing. Tom had to do something. This was his clearing and he was not going to give it up. He jumped up and started his attack on the gaur. It took the animals a good few seconds before they realized what was happening, but by then it was too late. Tom was among them and had already brought down one of the gaur. It wasn't the biggest of the group, but it was still a good catch and would feed him for a good few days.
As Tom was reaching the end of his attack, he saw the other tiger standing by the edge of clearing, clearly impressed by what he saw. The other tiger gave a little nod to Tom and then quickly ran away back into the jungle.
Tom had done it. He had overcome his fear and he had protected his territory at the same time. He was really proud of himself and rightly so. From that day on, Tom was getting more and more confident. He still had days when he was too afraid to hunt large animals, but he was definitely getting better, and after only a few weeks the other tigers in the jungle had started calling him Tom the Tenacious Tiger, just as he had hoped. Tom lived in the jungles of India. Every morning he went hunting. He was very good at stalking and never had any problems getting close to his prey. However, he was often too afraid to catch large animals. They simply scared him. He usually ended up with a bird or small mammal, which didn't really fill him up, so he had to go hunting several times a day, and by the end of the day he was really tired.
The other tigers in the jungle were a lot braver and they called Tom the Timid Tiger. Tom was very embarrassed by that and knew he had to change something if he didn't want to go to bed every night very tired and still half hungry.
One day Tom woke up with confidence. He decided that it was time he would no longer be shy and timid. From now on hee would be brave and bold. Today he would hunt the largest gaur he could find. Tonight he would go to bed with a full stomach and a chest full of pride. It was going to be the start of a new Tom. From today onwards he would be known as Tom the Tenacious Tiger, just as he had hoped.
Wednesday, 5 September 2012
Amazing Animal Antics
I know it's been a long time since my last post, but I've finally got my hands on a tablet and have been busy setting it all up and writing some new material.
Below is the first of a series of children's stories that I plan to publish as a collection. I hope you like it and let me know what you think.
Claudia the Cranky Caterpillar
Claudia was a little caterpillar that one day would turn into a beautiful butterfly. For now though she was crawling around on a juicy cabbage munching on its leaves, slowly becoming fatter and fatter.
One day a ladybird landed on her cabbage to rest and clean itself when she spotted Claudia.
"Hello there," the ladybird said. "Aren't you quite fat enough yet to coccoon? You have nearly finished the whole cabbage. Where are you going to go next for more food?"
Claudia just looked at her for a short moment and then continued eating. There wasn't much time left and she still had to put on more weight.
"Are you ignoring me?" the ladybird continued. "How rude," it said before it flew off.
The next day a stag beetle landed on her cabaw Claudia he stared at her for a good minute before he said: "Gosh, you do look ugly, don't you? And rather plump. I thought I was a big insect, but I think you set a new record."
Claudia felt cross, but she simply continued munching the cabbage leaf she was on and decided to ignore the stag beetle.
"You've got nothing to say for yourself, have you," the stag beetle said and flew off.
So the days went on and every day a diferent insect landed on her cabbage and told her how ugly she was - or how fat - or something else that was insulting. Claudia was getting crosser and crosser with every passing day, and the caterpillars in her field started to call her Claudia the Cranky Caterpillar.
One day Claudia had enough of the rude comments and decided that whoever would arrive next would be put in his place. It didn't take long and a hungry looking jackdaw landed next to her cabbage. He slowly eyed her up and down until Claudia stopped munching and looked back at him.
"Hello there," was all that the jackdaw was able to say before Claudia let off her anger.
"Yes, what are you going to say?" she started to say. "I've heard it all before. Do you think I'm fat? Or ugly? Can't wait until I coccoon so you don't have to look at me any longer? Something else?"
As she was talking she crawled closer and closer to the jackdaw, while the jackdaw slowly inched back step by step. As Claudia uttered her last word she launched herself forward and the jackdaw scrambled for a quick takeoff and flew away, cawing as he went.
"I knew they were all cowards," Claudia said and then calmly continued munching her cabbage.
The caterpillars on the cabbages nearby had stopped eating and were trying to hide when they had seen the jackdaw land, but when Claudia had launched into her angry tirade they all crept out again and were mightily impressed when the jackdaw flew off.
Since then every caterpillar in her field knew her as Claudia the Couragous Caterpillar, but Claudia didn't know. She was cosily tucked up in her snug coccoon. Now it wouldn't take long until she would turn into a beautiful butterfly.
Sunday, 15 April 2012
The first chapter from my children's story
Sunday, 8 April 2012
Happy Easter...
Saturday, 10 March 2012
It's hotting up in my book...
Saturday, 3 March 2012
Some poetry... just to change the subject a little.
Unity is when two people
form a single entity,
and together those two people
become one for all to see.
Thursday, 23 February 2012
Fancy another excerpt from my book?
Saturday, 18 February 2012
The Goldfish
The Goldfish
Once upon a time, there was a goldfish in a goldfish bowl. He was a happy goldfish with a lovely castle in his bowl where he could hide and peek out at the world.
One day, the goldfish was swimming round and round his bowl. He loved swimming round and round... and round... and round... and round and round. And round and round. And round.
And round and round and round and round... and round. And round. And round and round again. Round and round he went. And round and round. And round... round... and round... and round.
Suddenly he spotted a pair of eyes staring at him. A pair of glowing, dark eyes. The goldfish looked at the eyes and said "Hello!" Then he continued swimming round and round and round... and round and round... round... round and round and round again.
Until he saw a pair of eyes starting at him. A pair of glowing, dark eyes. The goldfish looked at the eyes and said "Hello?" Then he continue swimming round again... and round and round... round some more... and round and round and round. And round and round.
Until he saw a pair of eyes starting at him. A pair of... swoop... and the goldfish was gone.
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Sunday, 12 February 2012
It's getting more exciting...
Saturday, 4 February 2012
To make up for the wait...
Saturday, 28 January 2012
After some abstinence more of my work
Floodgates of the Heavens
After the little exercise I was awake, bright and fresh. The nightmares of the previous days had become a silent echo, barely audible. I was looking around and appreciated the beauty of my new surroundings. I could start a new life here, refresh and recharge before I went back to solving the secrets that my mind was keeping from me. I had too much to explore, too many other things to think about. It was time for me to take a break from the tortures I had endured and instead concentrate on this beautiful place, this paradise.
Eventually I woke up. I must have been asleep for several hours, because the sun was high up in the sky now. I was lying in the middle of the lawn, out in the open, but I was so confident that nothing would happen to me here that I had ignored my natural instincts and had relaxed and fallen asleep. I felt refreshed and recharged, ready for more adventures.
Monday, 16 January 2012
Teasers continuing...
Wednesday, 4 January 2012
Something from a chapter later in the new book...
"Can I have another orange juice?" Jenny asked. Her bright eyes looked at me pleadingly.